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1998 - А.И. Ахиезер и S. Drell

Pomeranchuk Prize winners 1998

According to the decision of the Committee the Pomeranchuk Prize '1998 is awarded to A.I. Akhiezer (Kharkov, Ukraine) and to S. Drell (Stanford, USA).

The Prize is awarded to A.I. Akhiezer for his outstanding pioneering contributions to quantum electrodynamics, physics of neutrons and to condensed matter physics. A.I. Akhiezer (born 1911) worked with I.Ya. Pomeranchuk in Kharkov (1935-1937) on QED, and later, when Pomeranchuk moved to Moscow, on various aspects of neutron physics and of condensed matter physics (1944 - 1961). Akhiezer is known worldwide for his book with V.B. Berestetski on QED.

The Prize is awarded to Sidney Drell for his outstanding contributions to the quantum theory of electrodynamic hadronic process and for development of the beamstrahlung theory for future colliders. S.Drell is the author of the famous monography "Relativistic quantum fields", written together with J.D. Bjorken.
ppw1998_tnd2.jpgProf. Sidney Drell and director of ITEP Prof. M.V.Danilov

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