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1999 - К.А. Тер-Мартиросян и G.Veneziano

Pomeranchuk Prize winners 1999

Prof. Gabriele Veneziano (CERN), Prof. Karen Ter-Martirosyan (ITEP) and director of ITEP Prof. Mikhail Danilov


According to the decision of the International Pomeranchuk Prize Committee the Pomeranchuk Prize for 1999 is awarded to K.A.Ter-Martirosyan (ITEP, Moscow) and to G.Veneziano (CERN).

The Prize is awarded to K.A.Ter-Martirosyan for his pivotal contribution to quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. Professor Karen Avetovich Ter-Martirosyan (born 1922) is a staff member at ITEP. He was student of L.D.Landau and was close collaborator of I.Ya.Pomeranchuk. Among his students were: V.N.Gribov, A.A.Anselm, A.M.Polyakov, A.A.Migdal, A.B.Zamolodchikov, A.B.Kaidalov. He is an author of more than 250 articles and a book with M.B.Voloshin "Theory of Gauge Interactions of Elementary Particles", 1984. Among his papers: "Theory of Coulomb exitation of nuclei" (1952), "Theory of three body systems" (1956), "Development of the Regge pole theory for high energy scattering and theory of Regge cuts" (with V.N.Gribov and I.Ya.Pomeranchuk, 1964 - 1976), "QCD inspired model of quark-gluon strings" (with A.B.Kaidalov).

The Prize is awarded to G.Veneziano for his his outstanding contribution to the various areas of quantum field theory and theory of strings. Professor Gabriele Veneziano (born 1942) is a staff member at CERN since 1977. He is famous for the construction of the hadron amplitude satisfying requirements of crossing-symmetry and analyticity (Veneziano amplitude). This triggered an explosive development of dual theory of strong interactions and string theory (1968). Elaboration (1974) of large N expansion in dual models and QCD remains a cornerstone in theory of strong interactions. Among his achievements: Jet calculus in QCD (1979), Analysis of U_A(1) symmetry violation in QCD and its phenomenological consequences: Di Vecchia-Veneziano and Veneziano-Witten relations quoted in all textbooks on QCD (1979), Construction of the effective supersymmetric action and formulation of the nonperturbative aspects of SUSY theory (1988), String cosmology (1990's).

Photo: Pomeranchuk Prize winners of 1999 Prof. Gabriele Veneziano (CERN) and Prof. Karen Ter-Martirosyan (ITEP) with director of ITEP Prof. Mikhail Danilov.
[click on the picture to see it in full size]

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